Brown Rice Snacks

Frequently Asked Questions about Brown Rice Snacks
Brown rice puffs are a type of puffed grain made from rice, commonly eaten in east Asia, southeast Asia and south Asia.
In East Asia, they’re often found as street food, where the grains are puffed up with a pressure chamber heated over a flame on a pushcart. Those nearby know the puffed grain is available for a quick bite as they can hear it being made! The Kelly Loves rice puffs are perfect to snack on or as an appetiser with drinks when you invite guests to enjoy your homemade sushi.
Yes, our brown rice puffs are fat-free (and palm oil-free to boot). This contributes to the fact that they’re also low in calories, so they make a tasty snack as part of a calorie-controlled diet. They also leave you feeling fuller for longer so you don’t feel the need to snack again until a mealime.
Yes, these brown rice puffs are vegan. It can be hard to find vegan snacks on the move, so we sell multi-packs of 12x 50g bags so you always have a bag to hand.
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